Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Brigade

Past Lt. Governors Association of the Pacific Northwest District Kiwanis Intl.

2022-2023 Board


Chair                         2022-23         Mitch Cunningham, Mid-Columbia River

Chair Elect                2022-23         Ken Brutzman, Mid-Columbia River

Vice Chair                 2022-23         Rebecca Olness, Green River Area

Past Chair                 2022-23         Nicholas Hafez, Tualatin Mountain

Secretary                   2022-24         Bill Glenn, Mid-Columbia River

Treasurer                   2022-24         Darlene Smith, Central Oregon


Region 1                   2021-23         Carol Mahoney, Lake Washington East

                                    2022-24         Dennis Sherwin, Fraser Valley     

Region 2                   2021-23         Bob Spurrell, Green River Area

                                                2022-24         Rita Schwarting, Green River Area

            Region 3                   2021-23         Carol Taylor, Tualatin Mountain

2022-24         Val Schaffroth, Southwest Washington

Region 4                   2021-23         Earl Schroeder, Central Oregon

                                                2022-24         Bruce Thomas, Willamette Valley

Region 5                   2021-23         Cynthia Kittson, Mid-Columbia River

                                                2022-24         Linda Neuman, Northeast Oregon

At Large                    2021-23         Dr. Mike Wilson, Yakima River Basin

2022-24         Ron George, Greater Vancouver Island


PNW Kiwanis

Past Lt. Governors Association - “PNW Bigfoot Brigade”

Membership Application              


NAME________________________________________________ PHONE________________­­_­_____




CURRENT CLUB____________________________________________________DIV#____________

LT. GOV. YEAR_____________________DISTRICT______________________DIV#____________


Ψ Dues:  $10 Yearly or $75 LIFETIME ($50 age 70 or above) payable to:

PNW Kiwanis; memo - Past Lt. Governors Association

Mail to:

Americans -                                                   Canadians –

Bill Glenn                                                        Darlene Smith

1324 Cedar Avenue                                       9012 Walnut Grove Drive #117

Richland, WA 99354                           Langley B.C. V1M 2K3                                  

Check #/Cash_____________             Date__________________

US Dollars Only!

Do you require a Bigfoot Pin?   Yes ______No______


This is a receipt that dues for the PNW Kiwanis Past Lt. Governors Association in the amount of________________were paid on ___________________________


Received by Signed _________________             




“Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Brigade”



Section 1.01    This organization shall be known as the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Brigade, AKA “Bigfoot Brigade”, a Past Lieutenant Governor’s Association, Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis International.


Section 2.01     The mission of the Association is to provide assistance to and promotion of the Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis International.


                        Section 3.01    The mission shall be accomplished through the following objectives.

A.     To promote continuing interest and participation of Past Lt. Governors in Kiwanis activities.

B.     To provide an opportunity for fellowship among Past Lt. Governors.

C.     To assist in the promotion of Kiwanis Sponsored Organizations and Clubs.

D.     To assist in the promotion of Division Projects.

E.      To act as an advisor and consultant to the Kiwanis Clubs in the PNW District, upon the request of the Governor, current Lt. Governor, or Kiwanis Club.

F.      To assist in increasing membership within the Divisions of the District.

G.     To assist with club membership retention.

H.     To provide leadership assistance for the expansion of clubs throughout the Divisions of the District.

I.        To assist in the District Convention and Mid-Winter Conference as requested by the Governor.

J.       To promote the adoption and use of Division Councils in every Division.

K.     To aid in creating harmony and unity in the Divisions at their request.

L.      To seek out and encourage qualified Kiwanians for election as Lt. Governors.

M.      To promote attendance at District and International Conventions.


Section 4.01    Past Lieutenant Governors of Kiwanis International in good standing in a Kiwanis Club in the Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis International are eligible for membership in this association.

Section 4.02. Active membership in the Past Lieutenant Governor’s Association will be maintained by payment of annual dues or of a onetime lifetime dues.



Section 5.01 ORGANIZATION – The Board shall be made up of elected Officers for leadership and Directors for oversight.


Section 5.02    DUTIES – The Board shall enter upon their official duties on the first day of October of each year, and shall serve for a term of two years, except for the Chair, Chair Elect and Vice Chair which serve for a term of one year, or until their successor shall be duly qualified, nominated and elected.

Section 5.03 OFFICERS - The officers shall be a Chair, Chair Elect, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer whose duties shall be those generally pertaining to such offices

Section 5.04    The Chair Elect succeeds the Chair and the Vice Chair succeeds the Chair Elect. Only the Vice Chair’s office shall be elected at the annual meeting. Should any of these offices become vacant for any reason the person next in line will advance to the next highest position without an election. If the Vice Chair's position becomes vacant, that position will remain vacant until the election at the next annual meeting of the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Brigade.

                        Section 5.05    The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected bi-annually for a two-year term.

Section 5.06    DIRECTORS – The Directors shall be two elected Past Lt. Governors from each Region as defined by the Board of the Past Lieutenant Governor’s Association, and two elected Directors at Large whose duties shall be those generally pertaining to such offices. Directors shall be elected bi-annually for a two-year term.

Section 5.07    The election of the Officers and Directors shall be held at the annual meeting of the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Brigade.



Section 6.01    The Association Chair shall appoint all Committees and Chairs necessary to insure proper functioning of this organization.


Section 7.01    The annual meeting of the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Brigade shall take place in conjunction with the District Convention each year. The members present at the annual meeting of the membership shall constitute a quorum, provided at least twenty (20) active members are present.

Section 7.02    The Board of the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Brigade shall meet twice a year at the District's Mid-Winter Conference and District Convention. A quorum of the Board shall consist of 50% plus one of the currently

elected Board members.

Section 7.03    Notification of the annual meeting shall be by the Chair, or other designate, via email at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting. Notification of a Board meeting shall be by the Chair, or other designate, via email at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the meeting.

Section 7.04    Board meetings are open to the members of the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Brigade. However, only Board members may make motions and vote during Board meetings.

Section 7.05    Other official meetings of the Board or membership may be held on call of the Chair, with the approval of the Governor, provided that such meetings not be held less than thirty (30) days prior to the District Convention.

Section 7.06    Notification by e-mail by the Chair, or other designate, shall be made


at least fifteen (15) days in advance of any other official meeting.


                        Section 8.01    The election of Officers shall be held at the annual meeting.

Section 8.02    Voting shall be by ballot or voice vote if single slate is presented and shall not be cumulative. There shall be no voting by proxy.

Section 8.03    The Chair shall appoint a nominating committee if possible. This committee shall consist of three active members of the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Brigade.

A.       The Chair shall designate the chair of this committee at the District’s Mid-Winter Conference.

B.        The duties of this committee shall be to make nominations, with the consent of the nominated, and to prepare a ballot for the election of said officers.

C.        Further nominations for the Vice Chair from the floor may be made at the annual meeting, provided the nominee has given consent.

D.       The recommendations of the Nominating Committee and any proposed articles of association changes shall be e-mailed to the active membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting.



Section 9.01    The Secretary shall keep written minutes of each meeting, and shall disseminate the important activities through e-mail.



Section 10.01 The Treasurer shall receive all monies from dues, donations, other gifts and fund-raising events and deposit them in the Past Lieutenant Governor’s Association Account held at the Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis International, shall maintain an accurate accounting of all funds and be prepared to give an accounting of receipts and disbursements at the annual meeting or at any other time they are called on to do so.


Section 11.01 The fiscal year of the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Brigade Association shall begin on the first day of October each year and end the last day of September of the following year.

Section 11.02 The Treasurer shall submit a financial report to the membership at the annual meeting or at any other time called to do so.

Section 11.03 The Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis International shall be the official depository for the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Brigade and will disburse all funds at the order of the Association.

Section 11.04 All funds shall be deposited in the name of the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Brigade. Vouchers drawn on the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Brigade account shall be signed by any two (2) of the officers of the Association.



Section 12.01 The Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Brigade shall seek by fair discussion at its annual meeting, and in other ways, to develop and implement programs to promote Kiwanis within the District.


Section 13.01 “Robert’s Rule of Order Newly Revised (current edition)” shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by these Articles.


Section 14.01 These Articles shall be adopted by a majority vote of active members present at the annual or any special meeting.

Section 14.02 Any amendment to these Articles may be adopted on the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the active members present at the annual or any special meeting, provided written notice of the proposed amendment shall have been publicized thirty (30) days prior to the meeting by e-mail to the active members.

Section 14.03 These Articles and all Amendments or additions shall not be effective unless approved by the Board of Directors of the Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis International.

                        ADOPTED September 20, 2002                     Approved March 2, 2003

                        Past Lt. Governors Association of the            Pacific Northwest District Kiwanis International Board PNW Bigfoot Brigade                                    Board of Trustees

By: Ken Brink, Chair                                      By: Sylvester Neal, Governor

AMENDED August 21, 2015

                        Past Lt. Governors Association of the            Pacific Northwest District Kiwanis International Board PNW Bigfoot Brigade                                    Board of Trustees

                        By: Margie Wilson, Chair                              By: Bob Munger, Governor


AMENDED August 26, 2016

                        Past Lt. Governors Association of the            Pacific Northwest District Kiwanis International Board PNW Bigfoot Brigade                                    Board

                        By: Margie Wilson, Chair                              By: Jackie Sue McFarland, Governor


AMENDED August 20, 2021

                        Past Lt. Governors Association of the            Pacific Northwest District Kiwanis International Board PNW Bigfoot Brigade                                    Board

                        By: Gregory L Garcia, Chair                          By: Lonnie Johnson, Governor


AMENDED August 25, 2022

                        Past Lt. Governors Association of the            Pacific Northwest District Kiwanis International Board PNW Bigfoot Brigade                                    Board

                        By: Nicholas Hafez, Chair                             By: Greg Wegrich, Governor